Massachusetts Homeowners Are Saying Goodbye To Their Electric Bills And Becoming Energy Independent

Why Go Solar In Massachusetts?

Save Money

The average homeowner saves an average of 60%, and is eligible for a 26% tax credit

Avoid Price Increases

Nobody wants to pay more. Electric rates are rising every year. By owning your energy, you'll be permanently safe from these increases

More Home Equity

In addition to the huge savings, most homes increase in value by up to 30% immediately upon going solar

They be Living Electric Bill Free

- Diane Sagan , Brookfield MA

" I have 30 panels. Bought in 2019. Has greatly reduced my electric bill. Last month it was only $31 dollars! "

- Ann Wagner, Deerfield MA

" My friend paid 14K for her solar panels 2 years ago. Her electric bill is like 2 bucks a month. Once I made the switch to solar I haven't seen a single electric bill over $100 and they average from $30 to $60 a month!"

- Curtis Bussiere, Douglas MA

"I was once a solar denier and unfortunately most of my friends around the country still are but my $1.77 electric bill is much better than my $400 a month bill I used to have."

- Beverly Buckley, Bridgewater MA

" We bought our system last fall. $17,000 and got $4,000 off our income tax this year. Don't need a backup battery as we live in sunny Southern California. My electric bill last month was $16 and this month it was $27 and we ran our air every day. Love, Love our solar panels! My neighbor told me he regrets not buying his system. He's still paying $150 a month!"

- C&K, Chesterfield MA

" We've had solar on our house in Chesterfield since 2015 and are also connected to the grid. Our bill is $8.82 with that connection but if the grid went down we'd be in trouble! "

Seeing If You Qualify Is Simple!

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